As I mentioned in an earlier post, I know it can be confusing sometimes when different regions give the same wine a different name like Syrah and Shiraz. Shiraz and Syrah are the same grape, in France it is called Syrah, but for the most part, in Australia, U.S.A, Canada, and South Africa it is called Shiraz.
Shiraz is usually made to be a New World wine (young, fruity,tannic, ripe), whereas Syrah is usually made Old World style (more elegant, complex, well-rounded). I personally prefer a Syrah from France, but would never turn down Shiraz if it's offered.
Shiraz is used in a lot of blends because it gives weak wines a full-bodied kick making them seem more complete. I personally love blended wines but I like big wines being paired with big wines, like a Cabernet/Shiraz blend, or better yet a Zin/Syrah/Cabernet blend....Drool.
Shiraz and Syrah should not be confused with Petite Sirah. I overheard a guy explaining to his wife in a restaurant that "It's like Syrah, but smaller." This is sort of true, the grapes are slightly smaller, and thicker skinned but I'm guessing he just figured the name is self explanitory. Kudos to the guy for taking a stab at it.
Petite Sirah stems from Syrah, but is a hybrid grape. It is a cross between Syrah and a grape you almost never hear anymore called Peloursin.
Petite Sirah is much more tannic and even fuller than it's sister Syrah because of the thick skinned grapes (tannins are derived from the skins and stems of the grapes).
I think I'm going to have to start drinking more Petite Sirah because I really like to feel my wine kick me in the mouth when I drink it. It should leave a mark.
Hey, good to have you back!!! Finally!!! Did you get your fill of 24? Shiraz or Syrah is my fav wine these days...used to be Merlot. I tried a S. Afr. Syrah last week and it was pretty good, called New World...pretty cheap too...bonus! Good article, I always find your articles well written and well researched....keep up the good work, Girl.......only more often...hint, hint! Luv ya!
I was going to buy a bottle of Le Petit Jaboulet. I went to our local bc liquor store and apparently it has been delisted, which means they are no longer selling it in BC.....bummer! He sad they have 9 bottles left at the Poco store and they have been reduced to $8.99 bottle. Unfortunately I can't drive all the way to Poco just to buy a bottle of wine, damn! He said it just wasn't popular enough for them to keep it on the shelves. Maybe I'll ask Louise to p/u a bottle for me just so I can try it.
That's a darn good price! You should definitely get Louise to pick up a bottle or two for you. The winery was family owned since the 1800s and they sold fairly recently to a family who owns another winery called Chateau La Lagune. That is probably why it is discontinued.
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