I hope to meet some fellow wine lovers in Calgary that I can share my nerdy love of the delicious grape juice with. My husband is a very good wine drinking buddy but does not have quite the same passion for it that I do.
In my search for a job in Calgary (Via google) I applied for several jobs which sounded interesting. A potential employer reviewed my resume and stumbled across the "Interests and Hobbies" section (Which until now I thought no one ever read) where I mention my wine tasting and guitar playing interests ,and emailed me telling me that he too shares a passion for wine and also plays guitar! It was a relief to hear that there is hope for me to meet people with common interests. It can be scary moving to a new city but also very exciting because it is a fresh start.
Luckily, I have Rob or the transition would be rather lonely.

One of the nights we were visiting with some good friends in West Vancouver and we shared a bottle of Hartford Court Pinot Noir

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