It was absolutely fabulous! By far the best day of my life

. Everything was so perfect, from the guests, speeches, music, dancing, and wine to the smallest details. All the guest had a great time, some got a little too tipsy but that's to be expected. All in all everyone had a blast. We danced all night longto everything from Louis Armstrong to Sir-Mix-Alot(baby got back). The wine went over well, and was very affordable. It went well with the food, and the labels matched our wedding colours ;). It was the Okanagan Vineyards Select White(just a blend of various white varietals) and the

Okanagan Vineyards Pinot Noir(which went well with the salmon). We ended up with more red left over than white, but that was partly due to the fact that it was the hottest day of the year and people wanted cold drinks. It was a stinkin' 35 Celsius! We were all pretty sweaty but we danced our butts off anyway. We got our pro-shots back from the photographers and we were SO happy with them. They did such an amazing job of capturing the fun and emotion of the whole day, and they were quite reasonably priced compared to some of the other photographers we had checked out. I was very impressed with almost every person or business that we had to deal with throughout the planning process. Here are some photos for you to enjoy:)
Hi Andrea - I've been waiting for your blog to be updated! What a great summary of a beautiful day. You're a fabulous daughter-in-law! Love and hugs from Lyn
Aw! Thanks Lynda :)
I'm going to try to get in the habit of updating more.
Hey Andrea,
Amanda here, all the way in Ontario. I heard the formal was a blast and that you guys are having all kinds of fun back home. Just wanted to say hi and that I can't wait to come back and join in all the law shananigans. I miss our wine nights and trips to the Bulk Cheese/ 7-11! Here's a wine tidbit for ya, wine is WAY cheaper down here. For example, I can get what I paid $18 in Saskatoon, for only $10!! Which is very exciting for a starving lush of a student. Also, my roomates, who drink wine like it's water, just love Naked Grape (granted it's only $7.50 a bottle). But I'm not such a fan and was wondering what you think of it, am I missing something here? Why all the rage over this "unoaked" vino? Also, they put ice cubes in their glasses of Shiraz, is this common? Anyway, these questions should keep you busy. Later!
Hey Amanda!!
I haven't tried Naked Grape, but have heard of it. I think people just like the name and label. I know a lot of people who shop by the label instead of the quality of the wine. Plus its easy to remember, instead of saying, do you have any of that Chateau Neuf De Pape, or whatever. It makes shopping for the wine easier if you're not sure what to look for. It's clever marketing on the wineries part though;)
As for Ice Cubes in Shiraz!!! No way! Red wine is not supposed to be chilled. Some people just don't like the idea of any drinks being served at room temperature, fair enough. I would not put ice in my wine though.
Love the pics. It looks like you guys had a great time. Glad to hear the wine went over well! (and that you had a nice day!)
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