Wine is good for your heart (in moderation).
It makes food taste better (and vice versa)
There is a grape varietal out there for everyone even if you "Don't like wine." You do, you just have not tried the right one for you yet. Have patience it is out there.
It can make unattractive people appear much more attractive.
Red wine gives you 'cougar mouth' (My best friend Melissa coined that term which I will use forever but I have to give her credit...Brilliant!)
It makes food taste better (and vice versa)
There is a grape varietal out there for everyone even if you "Don't like wine." You do, you just have not tried the right one for you yet. Have patience it is out there.
It can make unattractive people appear much more attractive.
Red wine gives you 'cougar mouth' (My best friend Melissa coined that term which I will use forever but I have to give her credit...Brilliant!)
*The purple stain on your lips, tongue and teeth*
It makes people come across more intelligent.
It makes people come across more intelligent.
It is socially acceptable to have a glass of wine by yourself as opposed to a gin and tonic.
It makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside and out.
It is delicious.
It is more complex than Tiger Woods love life.
It evokes memories. Like certain songs or smells do.
It goes better with good company than anything else.
I love it. Period.
It is more complex than Tiger Woods love life.
It evokes memories. Like certain songs or smells do.
It goes better with good company than anything else.
I love it. Period.